Lake of The Hills
Gyspy Moth Spraying
Dear Lake of the Hills Property Owners-
Here is an update on the gypsy moth spraying-
We had great interest in the gypsy moth spraying for this spring. We have 31 property owners and over 65 acres that will be sprayed in May.
I met with the company to provide the spraying service on Thursday, March 31. Even though we have some smaller groupings of lots, the spray is disbursed by a computer mapping of the area, therefore these lots can be accommodated. Overall contiguous lots provide better effectiveness. If you have neighbors that decide to participate, please contact me by the end of April and we will try to add them to the spray area. The spray company agreed to purchase some extra product.
Side notes:
There were questions on the type of trees impacted by the gypsy moth. On-line you will read, “The gypsy moth has been found on approximately 500 species of trees. They prefer broad-leaved trees, mainly red and white oak, poplar, and white birch.” During my visit with the pilot I learned if the gypsy moth attacks a pine tree, a pine tree will not recover from defoliation. This has been seen in the Isabella County. I was surprised at this information so I thought it important to pass on to my neighbors.
There will be an email in May to provide the window of spraying time. Again the timing of the spray is based on the life cycle of the gypsy moth and the weather. The company plane is yellow with a black stripe in case you are looking for it.
A special thank you to Elissa and Matt Lyon and Georganne Archambault for their assistance with this project.
Have a wonderful spring,
Julie DiMambro
If you have any questions between now and the spraying in May, I am available at 586-979-8198 or juliemd03@yahoo.com
Hello Neighbors-
Please remember tonight is your last chance to purchase gypsy moth spraying for 2022. An email was sent on March 19, 2022 outlining the opportunity for spraying this year to control the pests on your property and save your trees.
Julie DiMambro will be available at Eagles from 6:00-9:00 this evening to accept checks payable to Lake of the Hills Association. The Association is not responsible for this project, the Association is simply facilitating payments.
The cost is $65 per acre (or lot if the adjacent lots are not participating).
The company to provide the spraying is Sky to Land LLC - Aerial Application
The spray area must be confirmed this week so the company can order the product in time for spaying in May.
In May we will be given a notification of a window of time when the spraying will be completed. The timing is dependent on weather and the life cycle of the gypsy moth.
Please note the caterpillars will hatch this year and eat leaves that have been sprayed. The spray causes gastritis to the caterpillar and they die.
So you may see some activity of small (1/4 inch size) caterpillars or... hopefully only the dead carcass.
Thank you for your participation in this most worthwhile project. Let's hope we can all enjoy our full summer outside this year!
Dear Lake of the Hills Property Owners-
Some of you may remember the gypsy moth issue we have encountered the past few years. 2021 was especially horrific with many of us unable to go outside or use decks in June due to the pests. Even more saw their trees completely defoliated due to the gypsy moths eating the growth. According to the DNA some trees cannot recover from Gypsy moths, especially if the tree is defoliated 2 or 3 years in a row by the appetite of the moths.
There is a natural product that is aerially applied in May that can dramatically reduce the gypsy moth population and save your trees from damage. (no harm to pets, plants, or the lake/fish) The company was recommended by Isabella County and they have had great success.
This service was discussed at the Lake Association meeting last summer and mentioned on Facebook however cost for application in 2022 was not known until recently.
The cost is $65 per acre and we need to know who is interested in the spraying by the end of March. This provides enough time for the service company to purchase the product and prepare for spraying in May. We will be given a short window of notice of when the spraying will occur as it is not only dependent on the life cycle of the moth, weather and wind is also a factor.
Your first question is probably if I don’t own a full acre, how am I charged? Application is by the acre so the best choice it to contact your neighbors and get groups of parcels on the plot map for spraying. If your neighbors are unavailable or not interested in the spraying, you will need to pay for an acre. (Kindly consider- $65 is a lot less expensive than cutting down a dead tree.) This is entirely voluntary, and no Lake of the Hills funds are being utilized for this service. The Association is just facilitating the process to make it easier for land owners to improve their property.
Payment and plot map designations will be available on March 29 at 6:00-9:00 at the Eagles in Weidman. Julie DiMambro is heading the project and payment for the spraying is by check payable to Lake of the Hills Association.
If you have any questions between now and March 29, Julie is available at 586-979-8198 or juliemd03@yahoo.com. Please contact Julie if your residence/ situation requires payment to be mailed.
Thank you and we look forward to seeing you on March 29, 2022 at The Eagles in Weidman.
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